Meet the Faces Behind SwaggieScript

SwaggieScript isn't just a mural painting business; it's a creative partnership fueled

by passion and expertise. Meet the dynamic duo that drives our artistic vision: Aaron and Haley Welch.

About Haley Welch

Haley brings the artistry and imagination to SwaggieScript. Her creative vision and design expertise breathe life into every mural project. Whether it's brainstorming unique concepts, selecting vibrant color palettes, or overseeing the artistic process, Haley's touch ensures that each mural is a work of art that speaks to your individuality and style.

About Aaron Welch

Aaron is the technical backbone of SwaggieScript. With his extensive job site knowledge, he ensures that every project is executed with precision and professionalism. His attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and dedication to quality craftsmanship are second to none. Aaron is the one who turns artistic concepts into tangible, awe-inspiring murals.

The Unstoppable Team

Together, Aaron and Haley form an unstoppable team. They complement each other's strengths, combining technical know-how with artistic flair. This synergy results in murals that are not only visually captivating but also structurally sound.

Our Love for Travel

While SwaggieScript is based in the Houston area, our love for travel knows no bounds. We're always excited to take our creative journey on the road. Whether it's transforming spaces in our hometown or bringing art to new horizons, we're ready to pack our brushes and hit the road.

Join Us in Unleashing Creativity

Aaron and Haley invite you to be a part of SwaggieScript's creative adventure. Together, they'll turn your ideas into breathtaking murals that redefine your space.

Ready to get started? Contact SwaggieScript today, and let's embark on a creative journey together.